Maylarch Summer Barbecue 2013

The summer season is officially starting this Friday 21th June but at Maylarch we have decided to celebrate it last Sunday at the Queen’s Head in Eynsham, where our Head Office is located. All employees and their families were invited for some food and drinks as well as games and activities which gave some the opportunity to show their skills in Demolition. Here, an example of controlled demolition is given by Seb, our Site Operative to Hatti, our Training Officer. Good Job Seb!

Further down the site, Kevin, our Demolition Manager, was reminding everyone of the good old days of the wrecking ball by attempting to demolish a castle using only his strength… and his kids!

Note that he remains professional and considerate towards Health and Safety requirements as well as Environmental protection, by letting kids and animals evacuate the site before demolition starts!

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