NFDC members do it safely

Many demolition accidents occur on sites where no bona fide demolition contractor has been appointed, and the work has been carried out by enthusiastic amateurs with no knowledge or experience of risk assessing, planning or carrying out demolition work. Yet bona fide demolition contractors and members of the NFDC get tarred with the same brush of the ‘cowboys’ accident statistics. Health and Safety should always be at the forefront of every demolition job, and for NFDC members it always is.

Reporting accident statistics separately for NFDC members and non-NFDC members would present an opportunity to prove that NFDC members practice what they preach where health and safety is concerned, and this may also be justification for the reduction of insurance premiums for NFDC members. A recent report by the NASC(National Association of Scaffolding Contractors) bears this out.

To provide peace of mind for clients who have demolition needs, they should always choose an NFDC member because only NFDC members are audited by CHAS as part of the NFDC site audit scheme. This verifies the member’s accident record and confirms that they have a culture in which safety is paramount, as well as the systems in place which are required to run a demolition contracting business safely. If more clients choose NFDC members, this should have the effect of improving health and safety practices across the demolition and construction industry and reducing accidents and injuries.

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