Our new website is online!
At Maylarch, 2014 has got off to a cracking start with the launch of our brand new website. Designed with the end user in mind, it should improve the visibility in the services we offer and help visitors to get in touch with the relevant person at Maylarch.
Our ambition was to create a usable and flexible platform. The responsive design makes it very user friendly on any device (desktop, tablet or mobile). It also now fully integrates with our existing social media channels on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
The new website went live last week and so far, the feedback has all been very positive. We wish to address a big thank you to Bate Brand Communications for their great work.
Feel free to try it: www.maylarch.co.uk and let us know what you think by using the contact form or by email at enquiries@maylarch.co.uk