UVDB (Utilities Vendor Data Base) accreditation - 100%

Earlier this month Maylarch had their annual audit for our UVDB (Utilities Vendor Data Base) accreditation. This is a scheme that utility companies use (such as Thames Water Utilities, Skanska, National Grid, Carillion, to name a few) to select pre-qualified contractors for any works they require carrying out.

The auditor spent the first day in the office, checking policies and procedures, and gathering various evidence. On the second day they conducted an audit at our demolition site at Harwell, checking the procedures we have in place are actually implemented on site.

Maylarch have been accredited to the scheme since 2016, achieving high scores from the outset. However, this is the first year that both the office audit and site audit achieved 100%.

This is a credit to everyone in the company, from the Directors in setting high standards, to the managers and site staff who provide feedback, put forward ideas and have taken on board all the changes that have been made to continually improve our ways of working. 

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